For Better World runs the Center for violence prevention. For Better World is a non-governmental and humanitarian organization, which operates in the public interest. It brings together a group of professional pedagogues who have been working in national and international fields since 2001. The main purpose of the association is the promotion of human values, and consequently the improvement of the quality of life and relationships on all levels of life.
The association cooperates with kindergartens, schools, nursery homes, youth centers, individuals, organizations, and other educational institutions on the national level. In addition, it works with organizations, institutions, and experts working with children outside Slovenia as well. It also carries out educational and humanitarian projects abroad in direct cooperation with partners (Kenya, India, England, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina).
Izobraževanje mladih na temo vrednot, človekovih pravic in etike
Nenasilje na šolah
Medkulturni dialog
Preprečevanje odvisnosti
Krepitev duševnega zdravja pri mladih in starejših
Socialno – humanitarni projekti
Projekti zdravja